This blog is intended to raise awareness of, and support for, the small businesses in Rockingham County, NH. I include a short review as well as all the contact information.

SEARCH: Utilize the Search function to search for a business by location, name, or for key words like 'horse' or 'hair'. Otherwise, you can use the labels to find them by town or town-type.

FIND: Every post has a clickable address link at the bottom that will open Google Maps. I have also included a photo of the front of the business, so that if you are physically trying to find one of them, you will know what to look for. And I hope that you do!

Feel free to contact me if you encounter any inaccuracies in my descriptions. I am only writing about places that I have been, but sometimes it has been awhile since I have been there. I welcome feedback!

Thank you for stopping by my blog!

Rockingham County, NH


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